Fake Lacoste perfumes, most of the times, cost less than the original ones.
Fake perfumes, most of the times, cost less than the original ones but other sellers also give high prices and sham the customers. It can really be a pain to customers' side if they are being fraud for a product they bought. So in order to avoid wasting of money and time, here are some tips in spotting a fake Lacoste Perfume.
Spot the difference in Sizes, Color, and Perfume Caps Position
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original and fake Lacoste perfume |
Original Lacoste perfume is smaller than the fake one (examine the above the picture). Also witness the position of perfume caps, the real Lacoste perfume has a steady and fixed cap. Be also observant on the perfume's color, the authentic is much clearer than the fake one.
Examine the Labels
Obviously, genuine Lacoste perfume has a clear and high-quality label. The left one are the original products while the right side are the fake. Compare the pictures below:
Be Observant With the Bottle Cap
The perfume cap of the fake Lacoste is somewhat distorted and is made of aluminum while the original is made of plastic and is firmly attached.
Let's take a closer look.
Compare the Spray Nozzles
Evidently, the original Lacoste perfume has shorter spray nozzle compared to the fake one. Assess the pictures below to determine the fake from the genuine.
Always Buy from a Trusted Supplier
To assure that you're money is not wasted and to experience a real Lacoste perfume or any othe products, always bear in my mind to purchase only from trusted suppliers and distributors.
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Now I can differentiate the fake to the original one. Thank you for sharing this because a lot of fake Lacoste perfumes wide spreading today. :)