Yay, I'm in District 6 of Panem!!

Well, the Hunger Games mania is already making a huge buzz around the world these days and because I think that this movie series will be going to be a hit just like Harry Potter and Twilight, I eventually signed up at www.thecapitol.pn. The website is highly interactive and you can feel that The Capitol in books really exists. The site is mainly run by flash scripts so the faster your internet connection is, the better will be your experience into the digital world of The Capitol and the Hunger Games mania. 

When I registered I was then sorted at the District 6, which solely focuses on transportation. You need to register first before you get to access The Capitol and your district fan page at Facebook. Here are the steps you must complete for the registration.

1. Go the website www.thecapitol.pn. 

2. Be sure you have a Twitter of Facebook account and then choose either of the two in the registration process. 

3. Basically, a new browser tab will pop up and then you need to enter your Twitter/Facebook account credentials and then you should allow the application to access your Twitter/Facebook profile. 

4. When you already affirmed the access of the application, The Capitol will retrieve basic information about your profile, including your name and birth date. 

5. The Capitol will be the one to decide which district you will belong. I guess the members are randomly selected so you will be lucky enough if you belong to the district you love the most. The Capitol will also decide on your occupation in that particular district.I was positioned as a conductor. Too bad eh?

6. Next, you need to upload a picture of you for the district ID or pass. You can either choose pictures from your Twitter or Facebook albums or you could use your webcam to capture your photo. 

7.After completing the registration, you will be given the URL of the Facebook fan page of your district. You will be able to connect with other district members and you could also see their IDs at the Photos section of the FB page.

So that's it! I am really looking forward to see this movie next year. See ya!
